Critical errors


  1. Additional control devices:

35.1. KK - does not fasten the seat belt when it is necessary;

35.2. KK - using a mobile phone while holding it in the hand while the vehicle is moving or stationary, but the engine is not turned off;

35.3. KK (categories A1, A2 and A) - starts driving with the supporting side leg lowered.

  1. Clutch control:

36.1. KK (categories A1, A2 and A) - lifts the front wheel due to poor clutch control or too fast acceleration;

36.2. KK - shuts down the engine and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Gear selection:

37.2. KK - chooses the wrong gear and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Braking:

39.1. KK - brakes suddenly and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

39.2. KK - does not keep the vehicle in place after stopping it on a slope, i.e. allows the vehicle to roll back, and does not correct itself quickly (creates a potentially dangerous situation);

39.7. KK (categories A1, A2 and A) - blocks the front wheel (also during the acceleration and precise stopping maneuver at the specified place);

39.8. KK (categories A1, A2 and A) - blocks the rear wheel (also during the acceleration and precise stopping maneuver at the specified place) and does not recover quickly;

39.9. KK (categories A1, A2 and A) - continuously pressing the brake pedal/lever (the brake signal is active for quite a long time) when the vehicle is moving. When evaluating this KK, the examiner must be sure that the error is not due to a failure of the brake signal switch. This KK is not assessed when the examinee is slowly performing special narrow lane, figure eight or snake maneuvers.

  1. Choice of position on the roadway:

40.1. KK - chooses the wrong trajectory / changes lanes at the intersection of roadways and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

40.2. KK - improperly overtakes or goes around a vehicle turning left;

40.3. KK - stops where stopping is prohibited

40.6. KK (categories A1, A2 and A) - drives too close to the line separating traffic flows in opposite directions (marked or unmarked carriageway), lane line or right/left edge of carriageway or curb, creating a potentially dangerous situation. This KK is also assessed when any part of the rider's body is in the oncoming traffic lane.

  1. Position selection when maneuvering:
  2. Position selection when turning to the right:

42.1. KK - turns from a lane not designated for this purpose. If the examinee intends to turn right from the deceleration lane and does not switch to it in advance, it is considered as a choice of position on the carriageway KK;

42.2. KK – takes an inappropriate position and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

  1. Position selection when turning left:

43.1. KK - turns (turns) from a traffic lane not designated for this purpose. If the examinee intends to turn left from the deceleration lane and does not switch to it in advance, it is considered as choosing a position on the carriageway KK;

43.2. KK – takes an inappropriate position and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

43.4. KK (categories A1, A2 and A) - when turning left, any part of the motorcycle or body protrudes into the oncoming traffic lane and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Situation monitoring and reconnaissance:

44.1. KK - does not look around and observe the traffic situation when driving through a railway crossing or an unregulated intersection;

44.2. KK - diverts the gaze from the direction of travel and creates a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation. Also checking the part of the road not visible through the rear view mirrors;

  1. Use of warning signals:

KK - does not display the turn signal properly, creating a dangerous situation.

  1. Decision making:

46.1. KK - enters and stops the vehicle at a pedestrian crossing, at an intersection of carriageways where or behind which there is an obstacle, or at a railway crossing;

46.2. KK - when the yellow or red traffic light is on, he does not leave the intersection when he entered it with the intention of turning left. This KK is evaluated when the examinee does not use a safe space in the traffic flow to leave the intersection of carriageways;

46.3. KK - does not give way (does not pass) to vehicles or other road users. This KK is not evaluated if the examinee is driving, because he cannot give way due to the actions of other road users.

  1. Choosing a safe distance:

47.1. KK - keeps within one second (two seconds if the road surface is wet, icy, cobbled, etc.) or less to the vehicle in front;

47.2. KK - when driving at a speed of 20 km/h or more, keeps a lateral distance of less than 0.5 m to standing vehicles, vehicles traveling in the opposite direction or in the same direction, pedestrians walking on the roadway, obstacles on the edge of the roadway.

  1. Speed ​​selection:

48.1. KK - drives 10 percent. or more exceeding the speed limit;

48.2. KK - driving too slowly in a specific situation, i.e. more than 15 km/h below the speed limit, when the traffic situation does not require it. This CC is also assessed when the examinee drives too slowly during the special driving maneuvers described in Annex 2. This KK is not assessed if the examinee accelerates safely with the flow of traffic;

48.3. KK - increases speed when overtaking and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

48.4. KK - drives too fast, but does not exceed the permitted speed, and creates a potentially dangerous situation, also when driving in reverse;

48.5. KKs specified in clauses 48.1 and 48.2 shall not be evaluated if they were short-lived and quickly corrected.

  1. Enforcement of traffic regulation signals, road signs and road marking requirements:

49.1. KK - does not comply with traffic regulation signal, road sign or road marking requirements. This KK is also evaluated if the vehicle driven by the examinee goes beyond the line marking the limits of the area designated for the special driving maneuver or, after completing the special driving maneuvers described in points 3.3 and 3.4 of Appendix 2, stands on/behind the lines marking the parking place, if the parking place is marked;

49.2. KK - stops the vehicle beyond the "Stop" line or the edge of the roadway intersection at such a distance that it creates a potentially dangerous situation. This KK is also assessed if the examinee passes the line (guidelines) marking the stopping place while performing the maneuver of acceleration and precise stopping at the specified place;

49.3. KK - does not stop the vehicle in front of the "Stop" line and as close as possible to it. Stopping as close as possible means no more than 1m from the Stop line, but in some cases this may not be possible and the examiner must judge the situation based on the traffic conditions at the time.

  1. Balance and motorcycle handling (categories A1, A2 and A):

51.1. KK - falls from the motorcycle or lays it down;

51.2. KK - Loses balance/control of motorcycle and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Seat (A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) categories):

52.1. KK - removes both hands from the steering wheel when the motorcycle is moving;

52.2. KK - Places feet on stirrups in a manner other than intended for use of feet on controls.


  1. Additional control devices:

35.1. KK - does not fasten the seat belt when it is necessary;

35.2. KK - using a mobile phone while holding it in the hand while the vehicle is moving or stationary, but the engine is not turned off;

  1. Clutch control:

36.2. KK - shuts down the engine and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Gear selection:

37.1. KK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - engages the reverse gear when driving forward, or the forward gear when driving in reverse, or the parking gear of a vehicle with an automatic transmission (" Park" position) the gear when the vehicle is moving;

37.2. KK - chooses the wrong gear and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Steering (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle):

38.1. KK - does not control (keep) the steering wheel;

38.2. KK - Takes both hands off the wheel while the vehicle is moving.

  1. Braking:

39.1. KK - brakes suddenly and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

39.2. KK - does not keep the vehicle in place after stopping it on a slope, i.e. allows the vehicle to roll back, and does not correct itself quickly (creates a potentially dangerous situation);

39.3. KK (all categories except A1, A2, and A) - applies heavy pressure to the brake pedal, thereby locking the vehicle's wheels and causing them to slide, and does not recover quickly;

39.4. KK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle)) - unnecessarily driving with the foot on the brake pedal. This KK is assessed only after two warnings from the examiner: "Please check the controls and equipment". Sufficient time must be allocated time for the examinee to correct himself after each warning;

39.5. KK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - applies the parking brake while driving and does not control the vehicle;

39.6. KK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - starts moving with the parking brake engaged and does not recover quickly, i.e. the wheels of the vehicle are stopped or it is impossible to move. This KK is assessed only after two warnings from the examiner: “Please check controls and equipment.” Sufficient time must be allowed for the examinee to correct himself after each warning;

  1. Choice of position on the roadway:

40.1. KK - chooses the wrong trajectory / changes lanes at the intersection of roadways and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

40.2. KK - improperly overtakes or goes around a vehicle turning left;

40.3. KK - stops where stopping is prohibited

40.4. KK (all categories, except A1, A2, A) - drives in such a way that a third of the vehicle or more is unnecessarily in the oncoming traffic lane;

  1. Position selection when maneuvering:

41.2. KK (category B1 and B) – after completing the maneuver of reversing the vehicle to the temporary parking place diagonally or perpendicularly to the edge of the carriageway, the vehicle driven by the examinee is parked at a distance of no more than 1.5 m from the adjacent vehicle (guide rails);

41.3. KK (category B1 and B) - while performing the maneuver of reversing the vehicle to a temporary parking place parallel to the edge of the carriageway, drove more than 5 m from the vehicle parked in front (the distance between the front of the examinee's driven vehicle and the rear of the vehicle parked in front or );

  1. Position selection when turning to the right:

42.1. KK - turns from a lane not designated for this purpose. If the examinee intends to turn right from the deceleration lane and does not switch to it in advance, it is considered as a choice of position on the carriageway KK;

42.2. KK – takes an inappropriate position and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

42.3. KK (all categories except A1, A2 and A) - turns in such a way that a third of the vehicle or more protrudes unnecessarily into the oncoming lane.

  1. Position selection when turning left:

43.1. KK - turns (turns) from a traffic lane not designated for this purpose. If the examinee intends to turn left from the deceleration lane and does not switch to it in advance, it is considered as choosing a position on the carriageway KK;

43.2. KK – takes an inappropriate position and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

43.3. KK (all categories except A1, A2 and A) - turns in such a way that a third of the vehicle or more protrudes unnecessarily into the oncoming traffic lane when entering or exiting a turn;

  1. Situation monitoring and reconnaissance:

44.1. KK - does not look around and observe the traffic situation when driving through a railway crossing or an unregulated intersection;

44.2. KK - diverts the gaze from the direction of travel and creates a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation. Also checking the part of the road not visible through the rear view mirrors;

44.3. KK (category B1 and B) - does not look back to see what is happening next to and behind the vehicle when reversing.

  1. Use of warning signals:

KK - does not display the turn signal properly, creating a dangerous situation.

  1. Decision making:

46.1. KK - enters and stops the vehicle at a pedestrian crossing, at an intersection of carriageways where or behind which there is an obstacle, or at a railway crossing;

46.2. KK - when the yellow or red traffic light is on, he does not leave the intersection when he entered it with the intention of turning left. This KK is evaluated when the examinee does not use a safe space in the traffic flow to leave the intersection of carriageways;

46.3. KK - does not give way (does not pass) to vehicles or other road users. This KK is not evaluated if the examinee is driving, because he cannot give way due to the actions of other road users.

  1. Choosing a safe distance:

47.1. KK - keeps within one second (two seconds if the road surface is wet, icy, cobbled, etc.) or less to the vehicle in front;

47.2. KK - when driving at a speed of 20 km/h or more, keeps a lateral distance of less than 0.5 m to standing vehicles, vehicles traveling in the opposite direction or in the same direction, pedestrians walking on the roadway, obstacles on the edge of the roadway.

  1. Speed ​​selection:

48.1. KK - drives 10 percent. or more exceeding the speed limit;

48.2. KK - driving too slowly in a specific situation, i.e. more than 15 km/h below the speed limit, when the traffic situation does not require it. This CC is also assessed when the examinee drives too slowly during the special driving maneuvers described in Annex 2. This KK is not assessed if the examinee accelerates safely with the flow of traffic;

48.3. KK - increases speed when overtaking and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

48.4. KK - drives too fast, but does not exceed the permitted speed, and creates a potentially dangerous situation, also when driving in reverse;

48.5. KKs specified in clauses 48.1 and 48.2 shall not be evaluated if they were short-lived and quickly corrected.

  1. Enforcement of traffic regulation signals, road signs and road marking requirements:

49.1. KK - does not comply with traffic regulation signal, road sign or road marking requirements. This KK is also evaluated if the vehicle driven by the examinee goes beyond the line marking the limits of the area designated for the special driving maneuver or, after completing the special driving maneuvers described in points 3.3 and 3.4 of Appendix 2, stands on/behind the lines marking the parking place, if the parking place is marked;

49.2. KK - stops the vehicle beyond the "Stop" line or the edge of the roadway intersection at such a distance that it creates a potentially dangerous situation. This KK is also assessed if the examinee passes the line (guidelines) marking the stopping place while performing the maneuver of acceleration and precise stopping at the specified place;

49.3. KK - does not stop the vehicle in front of the "Stop" line and as close as possible to it. Stopping as close as possible means no more than 1m from the Stop line, but in some cases this may not be possible and the examiner must judge the situation based on the traffic conditions at the time.

C, CE, D, DE category

  1. Additional control devices:

35.1. KK - does not fasten the seat belt when it is necessary;

35.2. KK - using a mobile phone while holding it in the hand while the vehicle is moving or stationary, but the engine is not turned off;

  1. Clutch control:

36.2. KK - shuts down the engine and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Gear selection:

    37.1. KK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - engages the reverse gear when driving forward, or the forward gear when driving in reverse, or the parking gear of a vehicle with an automatic transmission (" Park" position) the gear when the vehicle is moving;

37.2. KK - chooses the wrong gear and creates a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Steering (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle):

38.1. KK - does not control (keep) the steering wheel;

38.2. KK - Takes both hands off the wheel while the vehicle is moving.

  1. Braking:

39.1. KK - brakes suddenly and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

39.2. KK - does not keep the vehicle in place after stopping it on a slope, i.e. allows the vehicle to roll back, and does not correct itself quickly (creates a potentially dangerous situation);

39.3. KK (all categories except A1, A2, and A) - applies heavy pressure to the brake pedal, thereby locking the vehicle's wheels and causing them to slide, and does not recover quickly;

39.4. KK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle)) - unnecessarily driving with the foot on the brake pedal. This KK is assessed only after two warnings from the examiner: "Please check the controls and equipment". Sufficient time must be allocated time for the examinee to correct himself after each warning;

39.5. KK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - applies the parking brake while driving and does not control the vehicle;

39.6. KK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - starts moving with the parking brake engaged and does not recover quickly, i.e. the wheels of the vehicle are stopped or it is impossible to move. This KK is assessed only after two warnings from the examiner: “Please check controls and equipment.” Sufficient time must be allowed for the examinee to correct himself after each warning;

  1. Choice of position on the roadway:

40.1. KK - chooses the wrong trajectory / changes lanes at the intersection of roadways and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

40.2. KK - improperly overtakes or goes around a vehicle turning left;

40.3. KK - stops where stopping is prohibited

40.4. KK (all categories, except A1, A2, A) - drives in such a way that a third of the vehicle or more is unnecessarily in the oncoming traffic lane;

40.5. KK (categories C1, C, C1E and CE) - drives straight through the intersection farther from the edge of the carriageway than in the second traffic lane;

  1. Position selection when maneuvering:

41.4. KK (categories BE, C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - failed to perform the maneuver (except described in point 9.1 of Appendix 2) after engaging the reverse gear three times;

41.5. KK (categories BE, C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - after the completion of the special ramp driving maneuver, the vehicle is parked more than 1 m in front of the ramp simulator.

  1. Position selection when turning to the right:

42.1. KK - turns from a lane not designated for this purpose. If the examinee intends to turn right from the deceleration lane and does not switch to it in advance, it is considered as a choice of position on the carriageway KK;

42.2. KK – takes an inappropriate position and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

42.3. KK (all categories except A1, A2 and A) - turns in such a way that a third of the vehicle or more protrudes unnecessarily into the oncoming lane.

  1. Position selection when turning left:

43.1. KK - turns (turns) from a traffic lane not designated for this purpose. If the examinee intends to turn left from the deceleration lane and does not switch to it in advance, it is considered as choosing a position on the carriageway KK;

43.2. KK – takes an inappropriate position and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

43.3. KK (all categories except A1, A2 and A) - turns in such a way that a third of the vehicle or more protrudes unnecessarily into the oncoming traffic lane when entering or exiting a turn;

  1. Situation monitoring and reconnaissance:

44.1. KK - does not look around and observe the traffic situation when driving through a railway crossing or an unregulated intersection;

44.2. KK - diverts the gaze from the direction of travel and creates a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation. Also checking the part of the road not visible through the rear view mirrors;

  1. Use of warning signals:

KK - does not display the turn signal properly, creating a dangerous situation.

  1. Decision making:

46.1. KK - enters and stops the vehicle at a pedestrian crossing, at an intersection of carriageways where or behind which there is an obstacle, or at a railway crossing;

46.2. KK - when the yellow or red traffic light is on, he does not leave the intersection when he entered it with the intention of turning left. This KK is evaluated when the examinee does not use a safe space in the traffic flow to leave the intersection of carriageways;

46.3. KK - does not give way (does not pass) to vehicles or other road users. This KK is not evaluated if the examinee is driving, because he cannot give way due to the actions of other road users.

  1. Choosing a safe distance:

47.1. KK - keeps within one second (two seconds if the road surface is wet, icy, cobbled, etc.) or less to the vehicle in front;

47.2. KK - when driving at a speed of 20 km/h or more, keeps a lateral distance of less than 0.5 m to standing vehicles, vehicles traveling in the opposite direction or in the same direction, pedestrians walking on the roadway, obstacles on the edge of the roadway.

  1. Speed ​​selection:

48.1. KK - drives 10 percent. or more exceeding the speed limit;

48.2. KK - driving too slowly in a specific situation, i.e. more than 15 km/h below the speed limit, when the traffic situation does not require it. This CC is also assessed when the examinee drives too slowly during the special driving maneuvers described in Annex 2. This KK is not assessed if the examinee accelerates safely with the flow of traffic;

48.3. KK - increases speed when overtaking and creates a potentially dangerous situation;

48.4. KK - drives too fast, but does not exceed the permitted speed, and creates a potentially dangerous situation, also when driving in reverse;

48.5. KKs specified in clauses 48.1 and 48.2 shall not be evaluated if they were short-lived and quickly corrected.

  1. Enforcement of traffic regulation signals, road signs and road marking requirements:

49.1. KK - does not comply with traffic regulation signal, road sign or road marking requirements. This KK is also evaluated if the vehicle driven by the examinee goes beyond the line marking the limits of the area designated for the special driving maneuver or, after completing the special driving maneuvers described in points 3.3 and 3.4 of Appendix 2, stands on/behind the lines marking the parking place, if the parking place is marked;

49.2. KK - stops the vehicle beyond the "Stop" line or the edge of the roadway intersection at such a distance that it creates a potentially dangerous situation. This KK is also assessed if the examinee passes the line (guidelines) marking the stopping place while performing the maneuver of acceleration and precise stopping at the specified place;

49.3. KK - does not stop the vehicle in front of the "Stop" line and as close as possible to it. Stopping as close as possible means no more than 1m from the Stop line, but in some cases this may not be possible and the examiner must judge the situation based on the traffic conditions at the time.

  1. Consistency (categories BE, C1E, CE, D1E and DE):

50.1. KK - unable to uncouple/couple the trailer;

50.2. KK - misses part of the actions, thus creating a potentially dangerous situation:

50.2.1. does not use the parking brake;

50.2.2. does not perform the coupling check maneuver;

50.2.3. does not raise or lower the supports or lock the lifting handle;

50.2.4. does not ensure that the mouth of the hook/spike lock of the coupling device is closed;

50.2.5. does not use caster resistance when needed;

50.2.6. does not disconnect or close or connect hoses/cables;

50.2.7. (categories C1E, CE, D1E and DE) does not check whether the air pressure in the system has reached the correct




  1. Pre-ride inspection:

NK – unable to find vehicle control devices or equipment specified by the examiner; demonstrate your knowledge or ability to manage, adjust or check their condition; prepare to drive safely.

  1. Additional control and safety devices. These NKs are evaluated only after two warnings from the examiner: "Please check controls and equipment." Sufficient time must be allowed for the examinee to correct himself after each warning:

14.1. NK – uses any additional device improperly;

14.2. NK - improperly adjusted or fastened seat belt;

14.3. NK - drives the engine after selecting the wrong gear or without disengaging the clutch;

14.4. NK - Attempts to start the engine a second time when it is already running.

  1. Clutch control:

15.1. NK - drives unnecessarily long with the clutch not fully engaged (including maneuvers at low speed);

15.2. NK - keep your foot on or above the clutch pedal when the clutch is not engaged for more than fifteen seconds. This NK is evaluated once, driving along the road section (street) from the intersection to the intersection where the turn is made;

15.3. NK - releases the clutch pedal too quickly;

15.4. NK - does not properly control clutch pressure when switching gears;

15.5. NK (categories A1, A2, A, B1, B and BE) - improperly controls the clutch lever (lever) while driving at low speed;

15.6. NK - holds the clutch button down when the gear is not engaged for more than three seconds, except when it is necessary to start driving, stop or maneuver at low speed;

15.7. NK - shuts down the engine unnecessarily (due to improper clutch control, improper gear, etc.);

  1. Throttle control:

16.1. NK - improperly controls the accelerator pedal or the motorcycle's fuel supply regulator (throttle);

16.2. NK - depresses the accelerator pedal too much or the motorcycle's fuel supply regulator (throttle) when the clutch is off or not fully engaged;

16.3. NK - presses the accelerator pedal and prevents the vehicle from coasting before stopping at a predetermined location (an intersection with a traffic light, stop sign, etc.) or other situations.

  1. Gear selection:

17.1. NK - selects a gear that does not meet: the situation, vehicle speed, technical data and driving conditions, but does not create a potentially dangerous situation;

17.2. NK – drives with the neutral gear engaged on an incline (turn or bend) or downhill;

17.3. NK - engages a gear when turning the steering wheel while driving at an intersection or bend, and/or gear shifting prevents the vehicle from moving smoothly and evenly;

17.10. NK - attempts to engage or engages a gear without disengaging the clutch

17.13. NK (categories A1, A2 and A) - fails to shift gear smoothly during the acceleration and precise stopping maneuver at the specified place;

  1. Steering wheel control:

18.1. NK - does not maintain the selected trajectory: deviates from the trajectory, turns the steering wheel jerkily; is inattentive to the incorrect position of the steering wheels when leaving the vehicle parked or starting to drive;

18.2. NK - at least one wheel enters the curb or rests on the curb or the edge of the sidewalk, but does not drive on it. This NK is not evaluated if the wheel of the vehicle safely and smoothly enters the curb or touches the curb or the edge of the sidewalk during a special driving maneuver;

  1. Braking:

19.1. NK – allows the vehicle to move forward by improper braking;

19.2. NK - does not hold the vehicle in place either with a parking brake or with a service brake when it is stationary. This NK is not evaluated when the foot is moved from the brake to the accelerator pedal;

19.3. NK – controls the brake pedal in an inappropriate way;

19.4. NK - does not keep the vehicle in place after stopping on a slope, i.e. allows it to roll back, but quickly corrects itself and does not create a potentially dangerous situation;

19.9. NK (categories A1, A2 and A) – does not use the rear wheel brake when slowing down or stopping;

19.10. NK (categories A1, A2 and A) - locks the rear wheel (also during the acceleration and precise stopping maneuver at the specified place) but quickly corrects itself;

19.11. NK (categories A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle)) - does not use the brakes properly when cornering, going around the guide cones.

  1. Choice of position on the roadway:

20.1. NK – does not follow the limits of the traffic lane, except for cases where the examinee must change the position on the roadway due to the traffic situation;

20.2. NK - takes a position on the roadway that does not correspond to the traffic situation, that is, does not see the road ahead and does not correct the selected trajectory, does not change lanes or unnecessarily changes lanes from one traffic lane to another, etc.;

20.3. NK - does not yield to the right where possible on a road with one lane in each direction. This NK is evaluated once, driving along the road section (street) from the intersection to the intersection where the turn is made;

20.4. NK - unnecessarily drives in the left lane. This NK is not evaluated if driving in the right lane requires you to change lanes frequently due to vehicles parked in it, or if you need to drive straight, and from the right lane at the intersection you can only turn right, or the traffic in the other lane is intense;

20.5. NK – stops the vehicle in the wrong place (before reaching the "Stop" line, intersection of carriageways, etc.);

20.6. NK (category A1, A2, A) - drives on horizontal road markings, on a dirty part of the road (oil stains, sand, etc.) when it can be avoided;

  1. Position selection when maneuvering:
  2. Position selection when turning to the right:

22.1. NK - before the turn, the vehicle is too far from the right edge of the carriageway;

22.2. NK - when turning, the vehicle is too far from the right edge of the carriageway, turns too wide and completes the turn too close to the oncoming traffic lane;

  1. Position selection when turning left:

23.1. NK – before the turn (turn), the vehicle is not in the traffic lane, not parallel to the markings, further than necessary from the (marked or unmarked) lines or separating lanes separating traffic flows in opposite directions;

23.2. NK – turning while being too far from the left edge of the carriageway on a one-way road;

23.3. NK - turns the front wheels to the left while waiting for a turn, except in situations where it is necessary;

23.4. NK - turns wide, drives too far to the right of the center of the road intersection, where traffic conditions do not require it;

  1. Situation monitoring and reconnaissance:

24.1. NK - does not look and observe the entire road in front, from the side and behind the vehicle;

24.2. NK - by turning his head over the appropriate shoulder, he does not check the part of the road that is not visible through the rear-view mirrors every time he goes around an obstacle, changes to another lane or at the point where roads diverge or merge. This NK cannot always be assessed if the examinee drives a C, CE, D or DE category vehicle;

24.3. NK - doesn't look back before going into reverse. This NK is also assessed when the examinee drives a vehicle of category B1 or B and looks back only through the rear-view mirrors when starting to reverse;

24.4. NK - distracts attention from the driving direction for too long, but does not create a potentially dangerous situation;

  1. Use of mirrors:

25.1. NK - does not look at the rear-view mirrors before slowing down, stopping the vehicle, entering a turn, changing lanes, leaving the road or entering the road, approaching any obstacle;

25.2. NK - looks at the rear-view mirror for too long (depending on the situation);

  1. Use of warning signals:

26.1. NK - Does not properly display a turn signal to warn of its intentions when necessary. This NK is not evaluated when, due to certain circumstances (small distance between the nearest road to be crossed/entrance to the area next to the road and the place of the intended turn, etc.), it is not appropriate to do so;

26.2. NK – does not show a right turn signal before exiting the roundabout;

26.3. NK - indicates wrong direction turn signal. This NK is scored if the examinee turns in the opposite direction to the signal;

26.4. NK – does not turn off the turn signal within five seconds after the turn or lane change has been completed;

26.5. NK - turns off the turn signal too early, that is, before the turn or lane change is started or finished, and does not turn it on again;

26.6. NK – shows a turn signal unnecessarily and can confuse other road users;

  1. Assessment of traffic hazards:

NK - reacts inappropriately or not quickly enough to a traffic hazard.

  1. Decision making:

28.1. NK - does not properly assess the speed and distance to other vehicles when starting to drive, driving through an intersection, changing from one traffic lane to another or entering the road;

28.2. NK – stops properly, but does not decide to drive in the traffic flow when there is a safe gap;

28.3. NK – stops unnecessarily and does not continue when there are no vehicles or pedestrians to interfere with and the road is clear;

28.4. NK - unnecessarily gives way to another road user, i.e. improperly applies the right-of-way rules.

  1. Choosing a safe distance:

29.1. NK – keeps a distance of less than two seconds, but greater than one second, to the vehicle in front;

29.2. NK - keeps a distance of less than three seconds but more than two seconds to the vehicle in front on a road with two or more lanes for driving in one direction when the traffic situation does not require it.

29.4. NK - when driving at a speed of 50 km/h or more, keeps a lateral distance of less than 1.2 m to standing vehicles, vehicles traveling in the opposite direction or in the same direction, pedestrians walking on the roadway, obstacles on the edge of the roadway. The lateral distance may be less than 1.2 m if the speed is lower and no dangerous situation is created;

29.5. NK – stops the vehicle, leaving a sufficient distance to the vehicle stopped in front, so that, if necessary, he can go around the vehicle stopped in front without going in reverse;

29.6. NK - drives closer than 30 cm from the right edge of the carriageway or sidewalk or the left edge of the carriageway or sidewalk on a one-way road. This NK is not assessed when the examinee drives a short section of road at low speed.

  1. Speed ​​selection:

30.1. NK – accelerates too quickly or too slowly, regardless of traffic conditions;

30.2. NK - drives too fast in a specific situation, but does not exceed the speed limit. This NK is assessed when the examinee is driving at a higher than appropriate speed;

30.3. NK - driving too slowly in a specific situation, i.e. 10-15 km/h below the speed limit when traffic conditions do not require it. This NK is also evaluated when the examinee does not reach the required speed, performing the special driving maneuvers described in Appendix 2.

  1. Enforcement of traffic regulation signals, road signs and road marking requirements:

31.1. NK – stops the vehicle so that it protrudes beyond the "Stop" line (line of the "Stop" sign);

31.2. NK - intending to turn left at the intersection, does not enter the intersection of carriageways to wait for a safe space in the traffic flow, when it is appropriate to do so;

31.3. NK - does not sufficiently understand traffic control signals, i.e. delays too long, although he can drive without disturbing other road users;

31.4. NK - intending to turn left at the intersection, enters the intersection improperly after the first vehicle. This NK is evaluated when the traffic light (regulator) signal allows the examinee to drive.

  1. Consistency:

32.1. NK – selects an incorrect sequence of the vehicle control system;

  1. Balance and motorcycle handling (categories A1, A2 and A):

33.1. NK – does not maintain balance / does not control the motorcycle and/or rests the foot on the ground while driving;

33.2. NK – does not maintain the speed of a slowly walking pedestrian while performing special driving maneuvers at low speed;

33.3. NK - does not lean the motorcycle in such a way as to drive safely in a turn, perform special driving maneuvers described in Appendix 2;

  1. Seat (A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) categories):

34.1. NK – rides with the toes leaning on the footrests;

34.2. NK – drives on roads without touching the fuel tank;

34.3. NK - drives with the head in the wrong position;

34.4. NK - drives while sitting (retracts) too far from the fuel tank;

34.5. NK - goes skiing from one side to the other through the seat (saddle);

34.6. NK - Drives with either hand removed from the steering wheel for no good reason, but without loss of balance and control. 


  1. Pre-ride inspection:

NK – unable to find vehicle control devices or equipment specified by the examiner; demonstrate your knowledge or ability to manage, adjust or check their condition; prepare to drive safely.

  1. Additional control and safety devices. These NKs are evaluated only after two warnings from the examiner: "Please check controls and equipment." Sufficient time must be allowed for the examinee to correct himself after each warning:

14.1. NK – uses any additional device improperly;

14.2. NK - improperly adjusted or fastened seat belt;

14.3. NK - drives the engine after selecting the wrong gear or without disengaging the clutch;

14.4. NK - Attempts to start the engine a second time when it is already running.

  1. Clutch control:

15.1. NK - drives unnecessarily long with the clutch not fully engaged (including maneuvers at low speed);

15.2. NK - keep your foot on or above the clutch pedal when the clutch is not engaged for more than fifteen seconds. This NK is evaluated once, driving along the road section (street) from the intersection to the intersection where the turn is made;

15.3. NK - releases the clutch pedal too quickly;

15.4. NK - does not properly control clutch pressure when switching gears;

15.5. NK (categories A1, A2, A, B1, B and BE) - improperly controls the clutch lever (lever) while driving at low speed;

  1. Gear selection:

17.1. NK - selects a gear that does not meet: the situation, vehicle speed, technical data and driving conditions, but does not create a potentially dangerous situation;

17.2. NK – drives with the neutral gear engaged on an incline (turn or bend) or downhill;

17.3. NK - engages a gear when turning the steering wheel while driving at an intersection or bend, and/or gear shifting prevents the vehicle from moving smoothly and evenly;

17.4.NK (category B) - a higher gear is engaged when the engine reaches 2300 or more revolutions per minute, when the traffic situation and/or driving conditions do not require it;

17.5. NK (category B) – the first gear drives a distance greater than two car lengths when the traffic situation and/or driving conditions do not require it;

17.6. NK (category B) - drives steadily at a speed of 30 km/h or more, in lower than third gear, when the traffic situation and/or driving conditions do not require it;

17.7. NK (category B) - drives steadily at a speed of 50 km/h or more, in lower than fourth gear, when the traffic situation and/or driving conditions do not require it;

17.8. NK (category B) - drives steadily at a speed of 70 km/h or more, in lower than fifth gear, when the traffic situation and/or driving conditions do not require it;

17.9. NK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - press the selector button of the automatic gearbox when shifting from the lower gear range (1st, 2nd, 3rd position) to the driving gear ("Drive" position);

17.10. NK - attempts to engage or engages a gear without disengaging the clutch

  1. Steering wheel control:

18.1. NK - does not maintain the selected trajectory: deviates from the trajectory, turns the steering wheel jerkily; is inattentive to the incorrect position of the steering wheels when leaving the vehicle parked or starting to drive;

18.2. NK - at least one wheel enters the curb or rests on the curb or the edge of the sidewalk, but does not drive on it. This NK is not evaluated if the wheel of the vehicle safely and smoothly enters the curb or touches the curb or the edge of the sidewalk during a special driving maneuver;

18.3. NK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - turning the steering wheel in the wrong way:

18.3.1. puts his hands on the steering wheel from the inside;

18.3.2. turns the steering wheel with only one hand, except when reversing and using the vehicle's controls;

18.3.3. turns the steering wheel with the palm of one hand;

18.3.4. turning the steering wheel too much when the vehicle is stationary;

18.3.5. holds the steering wheel with crossed arms or in any other way that restricts the movements of the steering wheel.

  1. Braking:

19.1. NK – allows the vehicle to move forward by improper braking;

19.2. NK - does not hold the vehicle in place either with a parking brake or with a service brake when it is stationary. This NK is not evaluated when the foot is moved from the brake to the accelerator pedal;

19.3. NK – controls the brake pedal in an inappropriate way;

19.4. NK - does not keep the vehicle in place after stopping on a slope, i.e. allows it to roll back, but quickly corrects itself and does not create a potentially dangerous situation;

19.5. NK - (all categories except A1, A2, A) locks the wheels (also during the acceleration and precise stopping maneuver at the specified place), but quickly corrects itself;

19.6. NK (all categories, except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven like a motorcycle) - press the service brake pedal hard when cornering;

19.7. NK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - drives with the parking brake not fully disengaged or uses it unnecessarily, but this does not prevent the movement of the vehicle;

19.8. NK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - brake with the left foot;

  1. Choice of position on the roadway:

20.1. NK – does not follow the limits of the traffic lane, except for cases where the examinee must change the position on the roadway due to the traffic situation;

20.2. NK - takes a position on the roadway that does not correspond to the traffic situation, that is, does not see the road ahead and does not correct the selected trajectory, does not change lanes or unnecessarily changes lanes from one traffic lane to another, etc.;

20.3. NK - does not yield to the right where possible on a road with one lane in each direction. This NK is evaluated once, driving along the road section (street) from the intersection to the intersection where the turn is made;

20.4. NK - unnecessarily drives in the left lane. This NK is not evaluated if driving in the right lane requires you to change lanes frequently due to vehicles parked in it, or if you need to drive straight, and from the right lane at the intersection you can only turn right, or the traffic in the other lane is intense;

20.5. NK – stops the vehicle in the wrong place (before reaching the "Stop" line, intersection of carriageways, etc.);

20.7. SPK - six repetitive position selections on the carriageway NK.

  1. Position selection when maneuvering:

21.1. NK (category B1 and B) - chose the wrong position when starting the maneuver of parking the vehicle in a temporary parking space in reverse parallel, diagonally or perpendicular to the edge of the carriageway, i.e. closer than 50 cm or further than 1 m from the side of the parked vehicle
( of guidance);

21.2. NK (category B1 and B) – after completing the maneuver of parking the vehicle in a temporary parking space parallel to the edge of the carriageway:

21.2.1. the vehicle is not parallel to the edge of the carriageway (sidewalk);

21.2.2. at least one wheel of the vehicle closest to the edge of the carriageway (sidewalk) is further than
40 cm from the edge of the carriageway (sidewalk);

21.2.3. the vehicle is closer than 1 m or further than 2 m from the vehicle in front (guide rails).

21.3. NK (category B1 and B) - after completing the maneuver of parking the vehicle in a temporary parking place diagonally or perpendicularly to the edge of the carriageway, the vehicle is parked:

21.3.1. not parallel to the parked vehicle (markers) or the lines marking the parking place;

21.3.2. closer than 50 cm or further than 1 m away from the vehicle parked next to it;

21.3.3. further than 40 cm from the line marking the end of the parking space.

21.4. NK (category B1 and B) – while performing the maneuver of parking the vehicle in reverse parallel to the edge of the carriageway, drove more than 3 m from the vehicle standing in front (the distance between the examinee's front of the vehicle being driven and the rear of the vehicle standing in front or the landmarks);

21.5. NK (all categories, except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - performed the maneuver (except for the one described in paragraph 9.1 of Annex 2) by engaging the reverse gear three times;

21.7. NK (categories B1 and B) - drove more than 1 m from the right edge of the carriageway (sidewalk) while reversing with a turn to the right;

  1. Position selection when turning to the right:

22.1. NK - before the turn, the vehicle is too far from the right edge of the carriageway;

22.2. NK - when turning, the vehicle is too far from the right edge of the carriageway, turns too wide and completes the turn too close to the oncoming traffic lane;

  1. Position selection when turning left:

23.1. NK – before the turn (turn), the vehicle is not in the traffic lane, not parallel to the markings, further than necessary from the (marked or unmarked) lines or separating lanes separating traffic flows in opposite directions;

23.2. NK – turning while being too far from the left edge of the carriageway on a one-way road;

23.3. NK - turns the front wheels to the left while waiting for a turn, except in situations where it is necessary;

23.4. NK - turns wide, drives too far to the right of the center of the road intersection, where traffic conditions do not require it;

23.5. NK (all categories, except A1, A2 and A) - when entering or exiting the intersection of carriageways, it slightly moves into the oncoming traffic lane, but does not create a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Situation monitoring and reconnaissance:

24.1. NK - does not look and observe the entire road in front, from the side and behind the vehicle;

24.2. NK - by turning his head over the appropriate shoulder, he does not check the part of the road that is not visible through the rear-view mirrors every time he goes around an obstacle, changes to another lane or at the point where roads diverge or merge. This NK cannot always be assessed if the examinee drives a C, CE, D or DE category vehicle;

24.3. NK - doesn't look back before going into reverse. This NK is also assessed when the examinee drives a vehicle of category B1 or B and looks back only through the rear-view mirrors when starting to reverse;

24.4. NK - distracts attention from the driving direction for too long, but does not create a potentially dangerous situation;

  1. Use of mirrors:

25.1. NK - does not look at the rear-view mirrors before slowing down, stopping the vehicle, entering a turn, changing lanes, leaving the road or entering the road, approaching any obstacle;

25.2. NK - looks at the rear-view mirror for too long (depending on the situation);

  1. Use of warning signals:

26.1. NK - Does not properly display a turn signal to warn of its intentions when necessary. This NK is not evaluated when, due to certain circumstances (small distance between the nearest road to be crossed/entrance to the area next to the road and the place of the intended turn, etc.), it is not appropriate to do so;

26.2. NK – does not show a right turn signal before exiting the roundabout;

26.3. NK - indicates wrong direction turn signal. This NK is scored if the examinee turns in the opposite direction to the signal;

26.4. NK – does not turn off the turn signal within five seconds after the turn or lane change has been completed;

26.5. NK - turns off the turn signal too early, that is, before the turn or lane change is started or finished, and does not turn it on again;

26.6. NK – shows a turn signal unnecessarily and can confuse other road users;

  1. Assessment of traffic hazards:

NK - reacts inappropriately or not quickly enough to a traffic hazard.

  1. Decision making:

28.1. NK - does not properly assess the speed and distance to other vehicles when starting to drive, driving through an intersection, changing from one traffic lane to another or entering the road;

28.2. NK – stops properly, but does not decide to drive in the traffic flow when there is a safe gap;

28.3. NK – stops unnecessarily and does not continue when there are no vehicles or pedestrians to interfere with and the road is clear;

28.4. NK - unnecessarily gives way to another road user, i.e. improperly applies the right-of-way rules.

  1. Choosing a safe distance:

29.1. NK – keeps a distance of less than two seconds, but greater than one second, to the vehicle in front;

29.2. NK - keeps a distance of less than three seconds but more than two seconds to the vehicle in front on a road with two or more lanes for driving in one direction when the traffic situation does not require it.

29.4. NK - when driving at a speed of 50 km/h or more, keeps a lateral distance of less than 1.2 m to standing vehicles, vehicles traveling in the opposite direction or in the same direction, pedestrians walking on the roadway, obstacles on the edge of the roadway. The lateral distance may be less than 1.2 m if the speed is lower and no dangerous situation is created;

29.5. NK – stops the vehicle, leaving a sufficient distance to the vehicle stopped in front, so that, if necessary, he can go around the vehicle stopped in front without going in reverse;

29.6. NK - drives closer than 30 cm from the right edge of the carriageway or sidewalk or the left edge of the carriageway or sidewalk on a one-way road. This NK is not assessed when the examinee drives a short section of road at low speed.

  1. Speed ​​selection:

30.1. NK – accelerates too quickly or too slowly, regardless of traffic conditions;

30.2. NK - drives too fast in a specific situation, but does not exceed the speed limit. This NK is assessed when the examinee is driving at a higher than appropriate speed;

30.3. NK - driving too slowly in a specific situation, i.e. 10-15 km/h below the speed limit when traffic conditions do not require it. This NK is also evaluated when the examinee does not reach the required speed, performing the special driving maneuvers described in Appendix 2.

  1. Enforcement of traffic regulation signals, road signs and road marking requirements:

31.1. NK – stops the vehicle so that it protrudes beyond the "Stop" line (line of the "Stop" sign);

31.2. NK - intending to turn left at the intersection, does not enter the intersection of carriageways to wait for a safe space in the traffic flow, when it is appropriate to do so;

31.3. NK - does not sufficiently understand traffic control signals, i.e. delays too long, although he can drive without disturbing other road users;

31.4. NK - intending to turn left at the intersection, enters the intersection improperly after the first vehicle. This NK is evaluated when the traffic light (regulator) signal allows the examinee to drive.

  1. Consistency:

32.1. NK – selects an incorrect sequence of the vehicle control system;


  1. Pre-ride inspection:

NK – unable to find vehicle control devices or equipment specified by the examiner; demonstrate your knowledge or ability to manage, adjust or check their condition; prepare to drive safely.

  1. Additional control and safety devices. These NKs are evaluated only after two warnings from the examiner: "Please check controls and equipment." Sufficient time must be allowed for the examinee to correct himself after each warning:

14.1. NK – uses any additional device improperly;

14.2. NK - improperly adjusted or fastened seat belt;

14.3. NK - drives the engine after selecting the wrong gear or without disengaging the clutch;

14.4. NK - Attempts to start the engine a second time when it is already running.

  1. Clutch control:

15.1. NK - drives unnecessarily long with the clutch not fully engaged (including maneuvers at low speed);

15.2. NK - keep your foot on or above the clutch pedal when the clutch is not engaged for more than fifteen seconds. This NK is evaluated once, driving along the road section (street) from the intersection to the intersection where the turn is made;

15.3. NK - releases the clutch pedal too quickly;

15.4. NK - does not properly control clutch pressure when switching gears;

  1. Gear selection:

17.1. NK - selects a gear that does not meet: the situation, vehicle speed, technical data and driving conditions, but does not create a potentially dangerous situation;

17.2. NK – drives with the neutral gear engaged on an incline (turn or bend) or downhill;

17.3. NK - engages a gear when turning the steering wheel while driving at an intersection or bend, and/or gear shifting prevents the vehicle from moving smoothly and evenly;

17.9. NK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - press the selector button of the automatic gearbox when shifting from the lower gear range (1st, 2nd, 3rd position) to the driving gear ("Drive" position);

17.11. NK (categories C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - engages gears too noisily;

17.12. NK (categories C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - does not switch gears a second time;

  1. Steering wheel control:

18.1. NK - does not maintain the selected trajectory: deviates from the trajectory, turns the steering wheel jerkily; is inattentive to the incorrect position of the steering wheels when leaving the vehicle parked or starting to drive;

18.2. NK - at least one wheel enters the curb or rests on the curb or the edge of the sidewalk, but does not drive on it. This NK is not evaluated if the wheel of the vehicle safely and smoothly enters the curb or touches the curb or the edge of the sidewalk during a special driving maneuver;

18.3. NK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - turning the steering wheel in the wrong way:

18.3.1. puts his hands on the steering wheel from the inside;

18.3.2. turns the steering wheel with only one hand, except when reversing and using the vehicle's controls;

18.3.3. turns the steering wheel with the palm of one hand;

18.3.4. turning the steering wheel too much when the vehicle is stationary;

18.3.5. holds the steering wheel with crossed arms or in any other way that restricts the movements of the steering wheel.

  1. Braking:

19.1. NK – allows the vehicle to move forward by improper braking;

19.2. NK - does not hold the vehicle in place either with a parking brake or with a service brake when it is stationary. This NK is not evaluated when the foot is moved from the brake to the accelerator pedal;

19.3. NK – controls the brake pedal in an inappropriate way;

19.4. NK - does not keep the vehicle in place after stopping on a slope, i.e. allows it to roll back, but quickly corrects itself and does not create a potentially dangerous situation;

19.5. NK - (all categories except A1, A2, A) locks the wheels (also during the acceleration and precise stopping maneuver at the specified place), but quickly corrects itself;

19.6. NK (all categories, except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven like a motorcycle) - press the service brake pedal hard when cornering;

19.7. NK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - drives with the parking brake not fully disengaged or uses it unnecessarily, but this does not prevent the movement of the vehicle;

19.8. NK (all categories except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - brake with the left foot;

  1. Choice of position on the roadway:

20.1. NK – does not follow the limits of the traffic lane, except for cases where the examinee must change the position on the roadway due to the traffic situation;

20.2. NK - takes a position on the roadway that does not correspond to the traffic situation, that is, does not see the road ahead and does not correct the selected trajectory, does not change lanes or unnecessarily changes lanes from one traffic lane to another, etc.;

20.3. NK - does not yield to the right where possible on a road with one lane in each direction. This NK is evaluated once, driving along the road section (street) from the intersection to the intersection where the turn is made;

20.4. NK - unnecessarily drives in the left lane. This NK is not evaluated if driving in the right lane requires you to change lanes frequently due to vehicles parked in it, or if you need to drive straight, and from the right lane at the intersection you can only turn right, or the traffic in the other lane is intense;

20.5. NK – stops the vehicle in the wrong place (before reaching the "Stop" line, intersection of carriageways, etc.);

21.5. NK (all categories, except A1, A2, A and B1 (driven as a motorcycle) - performed the maneuver (except for the one described in paragraph 9.1 of Annex 2) by engaging the reverse gear three times;

21.6. NK (categories BE, C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - stopped more than 1 m before the end of the lane, performing the maneuver described in point 9.1 of Annex 2
  1. Position selection when turning to the right:

22.1. NK - before the turn, the vehicle is too far from the right edge of the carriageway;

22.2. NK - when turning, the vehicle is too far from the right edge of the carriageway, turns too wide and completes the turn too close to the oncoming traffic lane;

22.3. NK (categories C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - unnecessarily enters the oncoming traffic lane with any part of the vehicle when completing a right turn.

  1. Position selection when turning left:

23.1. NK – before the turn (turn), the vehicle is not in the traffic lane, not parallel to the markings, further than necessary from the (marked or unmarked) lines or separating lanes separating traffic flows in opposite directions;

23.2. NK – turning while being too far from the left edge of the carriageway on a one-way road;

23.3. NK - turns the front wheels to the left while waiting for a turn, except in situations where it is necessary;

23.4. NK - turns wide, drives too far to the right of the center of the road intersection, where traffic conditions do not require it;

23.5. NK (all categories, except A1, A2 and A) - when entering or exiting the intersection of carriageways, it slightly moves into the oncoming traffic lane, but does not create a potentially dangerous situation.

  1. Situation monitoring and reconnaissance:

24.1. NK - does not look and observe the entire road in front, from the side and behind the vehicle;

24.2. NK - by turning his head over the appropriate shoulder, he does not check the part of the road that is not visible through the rear-view mirrors every time he goes around an obstacle, changes to another lane or at the point where roads diverge or merge. This NK cannot always be assessed if the examinee drives a C, CE, D or DE category vehicle;

24.3. NK - doesn't look back before going into reverse. This NK is also assessed when the examinee drives a vehicle of category B1 or B and looks back only through the rear-view mirrors when starting to reverse;

24.4. NK - distracts attention from the driving direction for too long, but does not create a potentially dangerous situation

24.5. NK (categories BE, C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - got out for inspection more than once while performing the special driving maneuvers described in point 5 or 9.2.3 of Appendix 2;

  1. Use of mirrors:

25.1. NK - does not look at the rear-view mirrors before slowing down, stopping the vehicle, entering a turn, changing lanes, leaving the road or entering the road, approaching any obstacle;

25.2. NK - looks at the rear-view mirror for too long (depending on the situation);

25.3. NK (categories BE, C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - does not use the external rear-view mirrors when looking back during a reverse maneuver, i.e. looking through the window to control the vehicle. Casual glances are allowed.

  1. Use of warning signals:

26.1. NK - Does not properly display a turn signal to warn of its intentions when necessary. This NK is not evaluated when, due to certain circumstances (small distance between the nearest road to be crossed/entrance to the area next to the road and the place of the intended turn, etc.), it is not appropriate to do so;

26.2. NK – does not show a right turn signal before exiting the roundabout;

26.3. NK - indicates wrong direction turn signal. This NK is scored if the examinee turns in the opposite direction to the signal;

26.4. NK – does not turn off the turn signal within five seconds after the turn or lane change has been completed;

26.5. NK - turns off the turn signal too early, that is, before the turn or lane change is started or finished, and does not turn it on again;

26.6. NK – shows a turn signal unnecessarily and can confuse other road users;

NK - reacts inappropriately or not quickly enough to a traffic hazard.

  1. Decision making:

28.1. NK - does not properly assess the speed and distance to other vehicles when starting to drive, driving through an intersection, changing from one traffic lane to another or entering the road;

28.2. NK – stops properly, but does not decide to drive in the traffic flow when there is a safe gap;

28.3. NK – stops unnecessarily and does not continue when there are no vehicles or pedestrians to interfere with and the road is clear;

28.4. NK - unnecessarily gives way to another road user, i.e. improperly applies the right-of-way rules.

  1. Choosing a safe distance:

29.1. NK – keeps a distance of less than two seconds, but greater than one second, to the vehicle in front;

29.2. NK - keeps a distance of less than three seconds but more than two seconds to the vehicle in front on a road with two or more lanes for driving in one direction when the traffic situation does not require it.

29.3. NK - maintains a distance of less than four seconds, but greater than two seconds, to the vehicle in front in adverse traffic conditions. The examiner must assess the additional (longer) distances to be followed by drivers of vehicles of categories C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E, DE and T;

29.4. NK - when driving at a speed of 50 km/h or more, keeps a lateral distance of less than 1.2 m to standing vehicles, vehicles traveling in the opposite direction or in the same direction, pedestrians walking on the roadway, obstacles on the edge of the roadway. The lateral distance may be less than 1.2 m if the speed is lower and no dangerous situation is created;

29.5. NK – stops the vehicle, leaving a sufficient distance to the vehicle stopped in front, so that, if necessary, he can go around the vehicle stopped in front without going in reverse;

29.6. NK - drives closer than 30 cm from the right edge of the carriageway or sidewalk or the left edge of the carriageway or sidewalk on a one-way road. This NK is not assessed when the examinee drives a short section of road at low speed.

  1. Speed ​​selection:

30.1. NK – accelerates too quickly or too slowly, regardless of traffic conditions;

30.2. NK - drives too fast in a specific situation, but does not exceed the speed limit. This NK is assessed when the examinee is driving at a higher than appropriate speed;

30.3. NK - driving too slowly in a specific situation, i.e. 10-15 km/h below the speed limit when traffic conditions do not require it. This NK is also evaluated when the examinee does not reach the required speed, performing the special driving maneuvers described in Appendix 2.

  1. Enforcement of traffic regulation signals, road signs and road marking requirements:

31.1. NK – stops the vehicle so that it protrudes beyond the "Stop" line (line of the "Stop" sign);

31.2. NK - intending to turn left at the intersection, does not enter the intersection of carriageways to wait for a safe space in the traffic flow, when it is appropriate to do so;

31.3. NK - does not sufficiently understand traffic control signals, i.e. delays too long, although he can drive without disturbing other road users;

31.4. NK - intending to turn left at the intersection, enters the intersection improperly after the first vehicle. This NK is evaluated when the traffic light (regulator) signal allows the examinee to drive.

  1. Consistency:

32.1. NK – selects an incorrect sequence of the vehicle control system;

32.2. NK (categories BE, C1E, CE, D1E and DE) - improperly opens the opening of the coupling device's hook / spike lock when preparing to uncouple / couple the trailer;

32.3. NK (categories BE, C1E, CE, D1E and DE) - Unsafely engages trailer supports but does not create a potentially dangerous situation.



20.7. SPK - six repetitive position selections on the carriageway NK.

24.6. SPK - six situations and more when you need to check the part of the road that is not visible through the rear-view mirrors, but you cannot look over your shoulder.

26.7. SPK - six repetitive NKs for the use of warning signals.


18.4. SPK (all categories except A1, A2 and A) - six repeated steering control NKs specified in clauses 18.1 or 18.2.

20.7. SPK - six repetitive position selections on the carriageway NK.

24.6. SPK - six situations and more when you need to check the part of the road that is not visible through the rear-view mirrors, but you cannot look over your shoulder.

26.7. SPK - six repetitive NKs for the use of warning signals.


18.4. SPK (all categories except A1, A2 and A) - six repeated steering control NKs specified in clauses 18.1 or 18.2.

20.7. SPK - six repetitive position selections on the carriageway NK.

21.8. SPK (categories BE, C1, C, C1E, CE, D1, D, D1E and DE) - six or more times stopped more than 1 m before the end of the lane, performing the maneuver described in paragraph 9.1 of Annex 2.

24.6. SPK - six situations and more when you need to check the part of the road that is not visible through the rear-view mirrors, but you cannot look over your shoulder.

26.7. SPK - six repetitive NKs for the use of warning signals.


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