In 2015, by order of the director of VšĮ "Autoketas"
November 2 No. 5



The rules of the internal order of the driving school "Autoketas" (hereinafter the school) (hereinafter the Rules) define the internal order of the school: general principles of labor relations and norms of behavior between managers, teachers, students and their parents, guardians or caretakers.
These rules are an integral part of the driving training application - the contract concluded with the driving school.
The following terms are used in the following rules:
Driving School – a company or institution registered in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, which has been granted the right to operate a certain category(ies) of motor transport in accordance with the procedure established by the head of the State Road Transport Inspectorate under the Ministry of Transport the initial training of the drivers of the vehicle(s) in a specific training room(s) and driving training area(s).
Teaching hour - (hereinafter referred to as - hour) - the time during which a driver's teacher or driving instructor works directly with students (teaches, discusses tasks, achievements, mistakes, etc.). The duration of the teaching hour is 45 minutes.
Driving teacher and/or driving instructor – the requirements for driving schools are described by a corresponding person who provides students with theoretical (practical) knowledge.
All other terms in these rules are used in the same sense as they are used in the Law on Safe Traffic for Cars on Roads, the Description of the Driver Training Procedure and the Description of Requirements for Driving Schools.
Student - persons who wish to acquire the right to drive a certain category of vehicles by concluding a training contract with a driving school.


⦁ Working hours of the driving school "Autoketas" are:
Monday 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday 10.00 - 19.00
Wednesday 10.00 - 19.00
Thursday 10.00 - 19.00
Friday 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday by appointment
⦁ break to rest and eat from 12:00 p.m. until 12:45 p.m.
⦁ Sunday and holidays - rest days;
⦁ on the eve of official holidays, the working hours of employees are shortened by one hour;


1. Follow the fire safety rule.
2. Comply with hygiene requirements.
3. Smoking is prohibited in school premises, as well as workplaces located in closed rooms, as well as in educational vehicles.
4. It is forbidden to come to school drunk or under the influence of psychotropic or narcotic substances. The use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or toxic substances is prohibited in the school premises and territory.
5. It is forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, narcotic, psychotropic, toxic substances, weapons, knives, gas canisters, pyrotechnic products or other harmful and health-threatening items to school.
6. It is forbidden to use obscene words and expressions, to behave disrespectfully, to make noise.
7. Students must save, use the school's inventory and visual aids safely, and compensate the school for damages and other losses caused by their own fault.
8. Save school property, save electricity, water, do not litter, behave culturally.


1. Persons who wish to acquire the right to drive vehicles of a certain category must sign a training contract with the driving school before starting the training course, which is the main document regulating the relationship between the school and the student. The agreement enters into force when it is signed by both Parties and is valid for 6 months from the date of signing. If the student is a minor, the contract is signed by one of the parents or guardians.
2. Persons entering into a training contract with a driving school must have reached the prescribed age from which it is allowed to teach driving on the roads, and at the end of the training - must be no younger than the prescribed age (except category B) from which it is allowed to acquire the right to drive certain categories vehicles. The categories of vehicles and the minimum age of drivers are determined by the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Safe Traffic on Roads.
3. Persons who have learned the theory on their own and passed the theory exam at JV "Regitra" enter into a contract with the driving school for a practical driving training course, after submitting the certificates of passing the theory exam issued by JV "Regitra";
4. The driving school concludes a training contract for additional training with a student who wishes to take additional training, which becomes effective when both parties sign it.


1. Study diligently and honestly according to your abilities, respect community members and their opinions.
2. Not to miss classes without a valid reason.
3. Follow the necessary lesson routine.
4. Safeguard your belongings, the school is not responsible for lost belongings and money.
5. When concluding a driving training contract - provide correct personal data.
6. Comply with all terms of the training contract and these rules, general rules of public order and internal order.
7. I agree to arrive at the practical driving lessons on time. If, due to an important justifiable reason, the student cannot come to the practical driving session agreed in advance with the driving instructor, he must inform the driving instructor or the driving school one day in advance.
8. Timely payment for the driver's initial training course, formalization of documents and additional services and/or lessons.
9. After starting the theory training course, attend with a group and finish with it.
10. Pass theory and practical driving tests and exams at the specified time.
12. Can learn and acquire the right to drive vehicles of categories AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B or B and C1 (together), without having the right to drive vehicles of other categories.
13. Can learn and acquire the right to drive vehicles of category C1, C, D1, D when they have the right to drive vehicles of category B.
14. Can learn and acquire the right to drive vehicles of categories BE, C1E, CE, D1E, DE, when they have the right to drive vehicles of categories B, C1, and C, D1, D, respectively.
15. May learn and acquire the right to drive vehicles of categories B and BE or C1 and C1E and/or C and CE and/or D1 and D1E and/or D and DE by attending training courses simultaneously, provided that driving a combination of vehicles of the relevant category will only be taught after completing a practical driving training course with the relevant motor vehicle without a trailer. In cases where, according to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Road Traffic Safety, it is allowed to acquire the right to drive vehicles of categories C, CE, D1, D1E, D and DE from the age of 18 (categories D and DE and from the age of 21), students must have a driver's license, granting the right to drive category B vehicles, and to acquire the initial professional qualification for transporting goods or passengers, respectively (it is possible to acquire the right to drive the listed categories without having a certificate of initial professional qualification).
16. Can independently learn theory when he reaches the appropriate age, with the aim of externally acquiring the right to drive vehicles of the appropriate category.
17. A student who has studied the theory and completed a practical driving training course may request that the school issue a certificate indicating the subjects studied, the number of hours and grades.
18. Get the necessary information from the driving school administration.
19. Temporarily suspend the course of study - by informing the school in writing beforehand.


The rules are valid from the day of their approval for all those who have signed a training contract with the driving school "Autoketas".
The student, with his signature, confirms that he has read these rules, agrees and undertakes to comply with them.
A person who violates these rules is subject to a penalty.


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