We organize mandatory first aid courses, where students are introduced to the basics of first aid. Lectures on how to provide first aid are conducted by doctors and public health specialists who have been teaching first aid courses for many years.

When you find yourself in a situation where another person needs first aid, you must know how to provide it. Every minute is precious because doing nothing can make the situation much worse. To prevent this from happening, everyone should take first aid training. First aid courses are mandatory for drivers, teachers, rescue service workers, etc.

However, everyone should know how to provide first aid, because you never know when and where a person will get sick, and know how to perform basic resuscitation.

First aid usually uses simple but life-saving techniques that do not require special equipment or medications.

 YOU CAN PROVIDE IT!!!  First aid is aimed at stabilizing the condition of the injured or sick person, preventing its deterioration and saving life .


Saving life is the main goal of first aid.

Prevent deterioration  - the patient's condition must remain stable and not deteriorate until professional medical help arrives. To achieve this, it may be necessary to move the victim to a safer, warm and dry place, apply first aid techniques, stop bleeding, etc.

Promoting healing requires the ability to properly dress wounds, provide a comfortable environment and support.

Under this law, all drivers, statutory officers, education and health service providers and other employees are required to attend a first aid course every two, three or five years. After the first aid courses, a health knowledge certification certificate is issued.

Lectures on how to provide first aid are conducted by doctors and public health specialists who have been teaching first aid courses for many years.

After the first aid courses, a health knowledge certification certificate is issued.

Pre-registration required!



This training is mandatory for persons who, according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, have the right to :

to drive a vehicle, the right to fly as an aircraft crew member, to perform maintenance on aircraft, to work as an air traffic controller, the right to hunt or fish, the right to drive rivers and small boats has been revoked (may be revoked or  the period of revocation of the special right has not yet expired) due to committing an offense while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, medicines or other intoxicating substances.  Anyone who wants to get their rights and licenses back is required to attend an alcohol and drug impairment course.

Public company "Autoketas" organizes mandatory training courses on the harm of alcohol and drugs to human health in accordance with the 2016 regulation approved by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania. July 17 order no. V-932.

After the alcohol and drug damage courses, a health knowledge certificate is issued, which must be presented to the police before the driver's license can be renewed. This certificate is also required in court, in order to shorten the time of revocation of a driver's license.


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